Topic: Nutrition Essential Question: What is the best way to achieve a nutritionally healthy lifestyle?
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Blog #27: Senior Project Reflection
2a. I believe I should get an AE because I was able to get through my taking time easily and my presentation was full of very informative content that I hope most people didn't know yet. I tried to incorporate a lot of the interesting misconceptions to keep people engaged.
2b I believe I should get an AE because I went above the requirements for all of the projects we had to turn in for senior projects.
3. The deadlines worked really well for me. Every big project we were given, we were assigned mini deadlines and if I wasn't forced to do that I would have probably procrastinated.
4. The 3- Column Chart didn't work for me. I couldn't really understand how to completely do it exactly the way it was supposed to be and I didn't really use it to help me in my senior project.
5. I has helped me because my whole lifestyle has changed. I would never be able to get this experience if I went to a normal high school. This is something I could walk away with, that doesn't really involve academics.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Service Learning
L. Service Learning Log
I. I gained a lot of knowledge about my topic and my service learning also helped shaped my findings a lot. Anytime I had a question she would know the answers to it. As I got to shadow different people she trained I had a broader view on what how to be healthy. She also made me do handouts every week to present to her Aquafit class, which forced me to learn a lot more about nutrition.
A. This helped me answer my second question a lot because I got to shadow the different clients she works with for service learning. Each client was working towards a different goal and she showed me she had to prepare different diet plans for each of them. This is basically my whole second answer.
2) Jennie Lessmeuller (Contact information is on the log)
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Blog #24: Independent Component 2
Blog #25: Helping 2013
- His first choice is something with engineering and his back-ups are computer engineer, piano, and something with fashion (because he might have service learning here)
- I told him he really needs to find service learning for engineering right away because it is hard, especially if he might need more hours for independent component and piano is a really good back up since he is already doing private lessons. I pointed out that it would be better for him to do engineering if he wanted that to be his future career though because he could take advantage of his senior project to see what it is like to be an engineer and possibly form connections.
- He doesn't have service learning yet, but he is emailing engineers and trying to get someone. If it doesn't work out he is just going to do piano.
- I told him that my mom might know an engineer or a program he may intern with because I think she sent my brother to do something like that in the summer, so I would ask her and I could send him the contact information. I also know a civil engineer who went to Cal Poly so I will ask him to see if I could give Andy his contact information.
- He is interested in learning about the different careers and seeing what they do.
- I told him yeah a lot of people chose future careers, but a lot of us also chose hobbies because of many different reasons. I also told him that some who chose future careers realized that they did not want that to be their job anymore.
- He said he didn't have any other questions as of right now
- I gave him my phone number so he could text me if he had anymore question. I told him to try really hard to get engineering because it will be really useful if he wants that to be his future career. I also told him about what the teachers expects and how they grade and what is really important to do in senior project.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Blog #22: Answer 3
- Everyone's body is different, (there are bodies for athletes, pregnant women, children, people with a sickness, ect.) therefore, people have to find out what is healthy for themselves
- The best way to do that is to use the a test that includes muscle mass (BMI is useless)
- People may have an "obese" BMI, but in reality it may just be muscle. This person may think to eat less, but instead they would have to eat more to maintain their health.
- Service Learning: Jennie Lessmueller
- "Engineering a Healthy Body" by: Nick Hallale
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Blog #21: 3-Column Chart
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Blog #20: Room Creativity
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Blog #19: Answer 2
· EQ: What is the best way to achieve a nutritionally healthy lifestyle?
· Answer 2: The best way to start a nutritionally healthy lifestyle is by getting rid of anything that is unhealthy.
· Evidence:
o People are more likely to be tempted to eat whatever is available in their refrigerator/pantry because it is easy to get. If a person clears their households of unhealthy foods then they are only able to get unhealthy foods.
o Prepare small meals and snacks to keep in case you get hungry. This is because most people want whatever can be made quick, so instead of resorting to something like Top Ramen, they can eat something healthy that was already prepared.
o People are more likely to eat food at home instead of eating out if there is more available food at home.
· Sources
o Forks over Knives (documentary)
o The Engine 2 Rescue with Rip Esselstyn (documentary)
o Service Learning with Jennie: at the YMCA
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Blog #18: The Product
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Fourth Interview Questions
- What is the most important piece of knowledge a person must know to understand what is healthy to eat?
- What kind of foods should a person with an average BMI stay away from in order to maintain healthy?
- How do you know how many calories is okay to eat?
- How many grams of fat is it okay to eat when reading a nutrition label?
- How many calories is it okay to eat when reading a nutrition label?
- How does a person become overweight?
- Is eating right enough to completely healthy?
- What other factors are necessary to stay healthy?
- How long does it take for a person to get used to their new diet plan?
- How do you motivate someone to stick to their diet?
- What is the most important thing to pay attention to when reading a nutrition label?
- What kind of drinks are healthy to drink, excluding water?
- Are there any helpful tips you know to stay on a healthy diet plan?
- How does your metabolism work?
- How can you boost your metabolism?
- How to calories work?
- Why is it so hard for people to eat healthy?
- Is it okay to eat unhealthy junk foods in moderation when wanting to lose weight? Why or why not?
- What changes should a person make if they do decide to make their diets a lifestyle change?
- How do dietitians organize eating plans for their patients?
- What are the most essential nutrients for a healthy body?
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Blog #16: Independent Component 2 Plan Approval
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Blog #15: Independent Component

Sunday, February 5, 2012
Blog #14: Presentation 2 Rough Draft
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Blog #13: Answer 1
2. Foods with false advertisements, like when it exaggerates the fact that there is fiber so they put "high in fiber!" on their box, even though it's not completely true. My book also tells me that not everything in nutrition labels are completely true.
3. Two books I find really helpful are "What are you Really Eating?" by Amanda Ursell and "Eating for Life" by Bill Phillips. I also want to read "The China Study" I read an interview with the author and found that this book would contain a lot of information I still need to know.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Blog #12: Service Learning
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Blog #11: Third Interview Questions
2. How do you effectively read a nutrition label?
3. How does the food industry effect people's diets?
4. What does the food industry label as unhealthy?
5. What should really be classified as healthy or unhealthy? For example artificial flavors.
6. What is the hardest obsticle when trying to keep a healthy diet?
7. Do you know any tips on how to keep the drive to stick to a healthy diet?
8. What are some examples of diets people tend to follow because they believe it helps them, but are actually not healthy at all.
9. When changing to a healthy diet, is it okay to have one cheat day to eat anything you want?
10. What are some common mistakes people make when going on a healthy diet?
11. What should a healthy diet include? Fruits? Vegetabes? Protien?
12. Are organic foods the healthiest to eat?
13. Do you know any other sources where I could learn about what is healthy and what isn't?