Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Blog #11: Third Interview Questions

1. What is the best way to achieve a nutritionally healthy lifestyle?
2. How do you effectively read a nutrition label?
3. How does the food industry effect people's diets?
4. What does the food industry label as unhealthy?
5. What should really be classified as healthy or unhealthy? For example artificial flavors.
6. What is the hardest obsticle when trying to keep a healthy diet?
7.  Do you know any tips on how to keep the drive to stick to a healthy diet?
8. What are some examples of diets people tend to follow because they believe it helps them, but are actually not healthy at all. 
9. When changing to a healthy diet, is it okay to have one cheat day to eat anything you want?
10. What are some common mistakes people make when going on a healthy diet?
11. What should a healthy diet include? Fruits? Vegetabes? Protien?
12. Are organic foods the healthiest to eat?
13. Do you know any other sources where I could learn about what is healthy and what isn't?

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