Thursday, February 23, 2012

Fourth Interview Questions

  1. What is the most important piece of knowledge a person must know to understand what is healthy to eat?
  2. What kind of foods should a person with an average BMI stay away from in order to maintain healthy?
  3. How do you know how many calories is okay to eat?
  4. How many grams of fat is it okay to eat when reading a nutrition label?
  5. How many calories is it okay to eat when reading a nutrition label?
  6. How does a person become overweight?
  7. Is eating right enough to completely healthy?
  8. What other factors are necessary to stay healthy?
  9. How long does it take for a person to get used to their new diet plan?
  10. How do you motivate someone to stick to their diet?
  11. What is the most important thing to pay attention to when reading a nutrition label?
  12. What kind of drinks are healthy to drink, excluding water?
  13. Are there any helpful tips you know to stay on a healthy diet plan?
  14. How does your metabolism work?
  15. How can you boost your metabolism?
  16. How to calories work?
  17. Why is it so hard for people to eat healthy?
  18. Is it okay to eat unhealthy junk foods in moderation when wanting to lose weight? Why or why not?
  19. What changes should a person make if they do decide to make their diets a lifestyle change?
  20. How do dietitians organize eating plans for their patients?
  21. What are the most essential nutrients for a healthy body?

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