Monday, September 26, 2011

Blog #4: Presentation Reflection

Q: In what way did the first interview affect your presentation?  Please explain, be specific and use an example.
A: The first interview affected my presentation because she was the one who told me that food labels can lie to you. She also used protein bars at the gym as examples and told me how people use them incorrectly, therefore they were not effective. Another example of something she taught me that I applied to my presentation was how to read part of the label. She told me that processed sugar was always bad and how to find it in the nutrition label. 

Q: What you say stood out about your presentation performance and why?
A: I would say the facts I gave out would be something that stood out about my presentation because everyone was shocked or grossed out once they found out what was really in the cheese-itz and coffee mate. 

Q: What was the most challenging to do and why?
A: The most challenging thing to do was the time because I thought I was more prepared than I actually was even though we created a plan. Next time, I will actually perform some practice presentations before I do the real one so that I know exactly everything I have do. 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Blog #3: Senior Project Presentation 1

5 Minute Rough Draft

My objective is to inform the students about what they eat. I want to show them that what they are eating is not always good, even if the label says otherwise.

1. Intro:
    -What do you guys no about nutrition?
    -Call anyone give me examples on something healthy to eat?
    -What about something unhealthy?

2. I will be bringing in some examples to talk about. These examples will be be foods that people mistakenly perceive as being something healthy.

  • Baked Beans
  • Ramen Noodles
  • Saltines (crackers)
  • Diet Soda
  • Soda (talk about how it can work to remove the rust on your metals)
  • Dried Fruit
  • Granola Bars
  • Low-Fat Salad Dressing
  • Protein Bars
3. Explain why these foods and drinks are bad, maybe give healthier substitutions. 

4. Conclusion

Check For Understanding:
Ask students what are examples of unhealthy foods again. 

Resources and Materials:
Unhealthy foods to show the class as props.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Blog #2: Interview Check

Q: Who are you interviewing and why?
A: I am going to interview my aunt, Jennifer Tran, who works at Kaiser. Her job is to prepare and serve patients at the hospital. I have chosen her as my first interview because she has to have a lot of knowledge about nutrition to be able to know what patients can eat what. It would be a good start to my topic because I could ask her about the basics in nutrition and find out what foods are good or bad for people.

Q: What additional questions will you ask them?
A: The questions I will ask besides the 5 required are:
What are the bad effects to having an unhealthy diet?
What happens if the patients do not follow their specific diet?
How do you know what a patient should eat?
What should I do first to begin my change to having a healthier diet?

Monday, September 5, 2011

Blog #1: Senior Project Topic

Q: What is your topic?
A: Nutrition 

Q: Why?
A: I want to do my senior project on nutrition because I want to learn how to change my eating habits for the better. I got inspired to do so after Mr. Ogden talked to our class and shared interesting facts about unhealthy living. One of the things he said was that everything we are currently eating might not effect us now, but it will catch up with us in our 30's or 40's. The foods that we are eating now may lead to heart disease, diabetes, and possibly an early death. After this I knew I had to make a change because my daily diet consists of mostly fast food and junk food. I also knew that if I wanted to make this big change I would have to be dedicated and do a lot of research, instead of just reading one book, so I decided to make this my senior project. 

Q: What do you hope to accomplish after studying this topic this year?
A: In the end, I hope to accomplish a healthier life style. Although, I don't plan on going to the extreme and completely give up everything. I just want to find a good balance of being able to enjoy what I eat and being healthy.